SuperUROP Instructions
Letters of Recommendation

AeroAstro Advanced Undergraduate Research Program

Overview of SuperUROP (current)

Video from 2023 Info Session

Letter writers: Please upload your letters here
(or, if you are an approved SuperUROP supervisor, login and enter your comments directly)


Projects created by faculty and industry sponsors:

        AeroAstro Projects

The deadline for students to indicate their intent to do a SuperUROP Project is Friday, April 5th..
If you missed the intent deadline: no problem! Please go ahead and submit your intent now... or go forward and submit your proposal.

The deadline for students to upload their SuperUROP proposal is Monday, April 29th.
If you need an extension, please ask!

There is an FAQ section for students on the SuperUROP home page.

The list of approved SuperUROP supervisors to receive Research and Innovation Scholars funding is here.
You can contact approved SuperUROP supervisors about SuperUROP projects whether or not they have posted a project.
You can register now.

Note: the AeroAstro SuperUROP program is restricted to MIT AeroAstro rising juniors and seniors

AeroAstro FACULTY: Create New SuperUROP Projects! Review Proposals!
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